



Effective Communication

Personal Development


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If you require a conference related to these five core topics but focused on a specific problem or situation in your company or event, we will gladly arrange one. Click on the button to fill out the form and get started.

How to Build an Effective Remote Sales Team

The Power of Meaningful Communication


To provide attendees with the core elements of an approach to enable sales teams to successfully fulfill their purpose (selling). In particular, the conference will take into account the complexity that geographical or physical distance causes the seller and the customer and the relationship that should predominate between them and the organization.


1.- The Importance of Consistency in Managing an Organization.

2.- Why is Communication Important in a Physically Distanced World?

4.- Implementation of an Effective and Remote Role for the Sales Force

5.- The Formula for Effective Action at a Distance.

6.- Communication, Technology and Effectiveness – Case Study on Social Selling

7. Four Steps to an Effective Remote Sales Force

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The Truth about Sales in the New Reality

Selling and the New Reality for Humankind


To provide the audience with elements to understand the role that sales and sellers play in the context of an increasingly technological society. Their role is further challenged by separation between economic players and a “new normality” where competition, communications, an increasingly informed and demanding consumer mark the boundaries where a struggle for relevance in the marketplace is fought.


1.- The Aversion to Sales and Sellers: Then and Now

2.- What Does Selling Mean?

3.- We Are All Sellers

4.- Client Experience: Consumers and Selling in the New Reality

5.- The Importance of Emotional Connection and Purpose in the Buying Decision

6.- Steps to Close a Sale Effectively and Continuously during Changing Times

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Components for a Successful Post Pandemic Business

The Workday of Entrepreneurs and Business Owners


To provide applicable and effective strategic ideas to anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur. To identify the most important components – for both entrepreneur and organization – to plan, execute and measure in order to build or consolidate a business with growing and lasting sales in the context of increasing competition.


1.- What is a Business?

2.- What Elements are Required to Create a Business?

3.- What Does a Business Need to be Successful in Today’s World?

4.- Balance: Being Different and Creating a Product Niche

5.- Your Role in the Creation and Success of a Business

6.- The Steps that an Entrepreneur Follows

7.- The Mentality of an Entrepreneur Today

8.- Five Final Recommendations

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The New Effective Leadership

The Number One factor that determines your personal success in a context of change


To provide the audience with the fundamentals to understand, practice and improve their leadership skills, empathy, emotional intelligence and influence on other people. The conference starts from the argument that potentially we are all leaders but leadership requires embracing change as well as awareness and effort in relationships with others (superiors, peers, subordinates). Leaders can capitalize on the powerful synergy of a team when it has been inspired, motivated and has a clear and shared purpose of its direction.


  1. What is Leadership?
  2. Effectiveness and Strategy
  3. Three Important Guidelines
  4. Mental Focus to be Effective in Your Goals
  5. Five Steps to Get Started
  6. Two Final Considerations

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My Personal Story in the Sales World

Your Happiness: Plan and Reality


Carlo shares his life story with the audience: how he built a “recipe for success” for his life that eventually – given his interactions in sales and marketing – he found completely wrong and based on principles that were the opposite true happiness and success.


  1. The Age-Old Question: What Do People Want?
  2. The Starting Point of My Personal Journey
  3. “The Recipe for Success that I Dreamed Of”
  4. My Depression after Arriving in the Sales World
  5. What I Learned about Happiness in Sales
  6. Four Final Considerations about My Life and Happiness

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